

Well, it happened, all the Bears left the den. :-) I hope to see you next year in Web1, or maybe at day camp!

Mrs. Bailleu


Hey, Hey, Hey, Goodbye...

Can you believe that it is the last month of scouts already? The bears have worked very hard, sometimes unwillingly, but hard nonetheless, to make it to Webelos.

During the next week, please go through the bear handbook with your scout. Really fine tooth comb it and mark anything they have completed. School work counts, family outings count, trips to grandma’s count; all these count toward final electives and achievements. I will be collecting the books next week (if you can get the book to me earlier, all the better) so I can make final counts and order awards. Belt loops & pins earned outside of den will have to be purchased by the parents. Belt loops earned in den will be paid for by the pack. If you can’t find your book, here are the requirements and electives for bear:

We will be meeting for 3 pack events in the summer. We go fishing, swimming, & camping. I will be contacting you during the summer with particulars. By attending all 3, the scout earns a special patch.

Don’t forget about Day Camp this summer July 7-11. We really encourage the scouts and parents to go. Special patches and tokens are earned. We need to know what parents would be willing to be drivers and day walkers. Please think about doing this.

Special Events:
May 3 - Baker Park Clean Up. We will be meeting at 10am at the gates to Baker Park. Each scout needs to wear old clothes and work gloves, bring an adult, and a rake if possible. This conservation project is needed for those who want to earn the World Conservation Award.
May 10 - Food Drive. We will once again be helping the Kewanee Food Pantry by collecting food on mail routes. We need to know how many scouts and drivers will be available for the morning (9-12:30pm) and/or afternoon (12:30-4:00) routes.
May 22 - Advancement! Families are invited to see the Bears advance to Webelo. Please bring a snack to share.